
Platinum Sponsor (INR 5,00,000)
Diamond Sponsor (INR 3,00,000)

Benefits to the sponsors shall include

This global seminar, harmonizing interaction between scientific community and other Stakeholders, offers an excellent opportunity for companies/organizations to create awareness on brand and quality in order to promote their products and services in a value-chain mode.

Features of company product/ brand with logo and name on the Event Brochure Cover and promotional advertisements, stage backdrop, sponsor panels at the venue, invitation cards, itinerary/ programme schedule and delegate kit, folder/ pamphlet/ leaflet/ hand-out/ company literature in delegate kit; One full-page/half-page advertisement.

For enquiries, please contact:

Chairman Finance Committee
Dr. M.V. Dhananjaya, Principal Scientist Division of Vegetable crops on +91 9141704357

Dr. T. H. Singh, Secretary, Society for Promotion of Horticulture on +91 94496 58713 or email sphiihr2005@gmail.com