The Organizing Committee cordially invites submissions for either Oral presentations or Poster sessions. Papers on salient topics covering theme areas are being organized with lead speakers from various countries. Additionally, we welcome Contributed Papers covering the theme areas for both oral and poster presentations in different sessions. Selected full-length papers will be published in Journal of Horticultural Sciences (Impact factor 0.1, NAAS rating 6.1). For guidelines and formats, please visit the journal website page at https://jhs.iihr.res.in/index.php/jhs/about/submissions#authorGuidelines

The Organizing Committee invites Abstracts from interested participants on research and development issues conforming broadly to the theme areas and technical sessions outlined. Abstracts are required to be submitted online or electronically through e-mail to exotichortseminar@gmail.com in Microsoft Word file. The Abstract(s) of the contributed papers may not exceed 300 words, while the full length papers should not exceed six pages typed in Times New Roman font size 12, in single spacing. Abstracts of Oral paper and Poster paper will be published in a Book of Abstracts (Invited, Oral & Poster).

The poster should be in English. Maximum e-poster size: 120 cm wide and 60 cm high. It must be submitted in PDF format. The Poster No. (Acceptance No.) Title, Authors’ names and affiliation including email and Mobile number of Presenting Author should be listed at the top on the poster. The poster should consist of Objective/s, Methods, Results and Discussion. The matter should be clear, simple and self-explanatory. All Figures and Tables must have headings, and labelled axes and legends. All lettering should be legible from a distance of 3 m. A format of the same is given below. The participants are advised to submit their poster by e-mail.
Guidelines for Poster Presentation

Poster Slide Format
Guidelines for posters
- It is advised strictly to keep the title of the poster same as in the submitted abstract.
- Title of the abstract – Size of the lettering may be 54 Arial bold preferably
- Title should be followed by Name(s) of the Author(s) and Affiliation(s) – size preferably 42 Arial
- Please put your Abstract ID on the top right corner of the poster
- Sub headings – Size of the lettering may be 40 Arial preferably.
- It is recommended to use 30 Arial size font style for the content of the poster. Kindly use sentence case for general content
- Text and presentation should be in ENGLISH only
- Try to keep the text easy to read and concise.
- The poster should have a clear message, a logical layout and easy to comprehend.
- Use short text in bullet points and avoid lengthy sentences.
- Use only static images and do not embed any videos or animation in your poster.
- Try to utilize the space on your poster as creatively as you can to attract the audience and make sure that the images are easy to understand.
- All Figures and Tables must have headings, and labelled axes and legends.
- The poster should consist of Introduction with Objective/s, Materials & Methods, Results and Discussion.
- The slide size should be 104 cm wide and 58.5 cm height.
- All lettering should be legible from a distance of 3 m.
Poster Submission
- The participants are advised to submit their poster by e-mail to posteriseuhc@gmail.com on or before 10th October, 2023.
- Poster must be submitted in PDF / jpeg format.
- It is recommended to make your poster in PowerPoint template provided and then save it as a PDF and jpeg.
- A template poster can be downloaded from below link
Important Dates:
Abstract Submission | |
Acceptance of Abstract | |
Early Bird Registration |